Wednesday, August 27, 2008

We're back

Sorry for the absence, but the McGoey house had Olympic fever. At least I did. Kevin got tired after a few days and Colin was not too interested in anything but the equestrian events. Anyway, I was taking pics and now that I am out of the Olympic black hole here we go.

What is better than a toy..the bag it came in!

A boy and his dog.

Did your father teach you that gesture?

I like cheese!

Bobos... Ouch!

How quickly he bounces back!

Tripped while walking with a book.

Poor Colin is still not the steadiest boy and over the past few weeks has had a few bumps, bruises, scrapes, tumbles, topples... you get the idea.

My little copycat

Colin was watching me vacuum from his high chair and this is the first thing he did when I got him out. I just wish his really worked!

1 year stats

Folks, we've got a big one! For those of you who haven't seen Colin in person his most recent measurements are 33 in tall and 26.9 lbs! Now, in his defense he did move up to the big boy scale so you have to count clothes, shoes, and wet diapers into that number. These numbers mean that he is off of the chart for his height, yes that's right, off and at the very top for weight. He grew 2.5 in and added 4 lbs since his 9 mos visit. Everything else is great. He is happy, very active and again "A perfect baby" per his MD.

Monday, August 11, 2008

Move over puffs

Colin has a new favorite food, Gerber's version of vienna sausage. He tried chicken and carrot meat sticks tonight and he just shoveled them in. I hope he stays such a good eater.

It's my party...

Colin is officially 1! We had his party on Saturday and we were so glad that everyone could come and celebrate his first year in the world with us. So, here are the cakes pre-party. Moms, this is what 2.5 hours of cake decorating looks like. I actually had a good time doing it and will definitely do it again. Now keep scrolling down for the fate of the "1" cake.

and I'll smash the cake if I want to!

Just warming up...

this is pretty cool...

and squishy...

do I have some on my nose?

The End.

Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Almost here!

No pictures, please.

That is right the big day is approaching. In fact, last year on this day of the week we were in the hospital waiting for Colin to make his debut in a couple of hours. What a difference a year makes. Here are some new bath pics.

Saturday, August 2, 2008

Look what I can do

Wow mom, look how I can push this table and make the alphabet mat crumple!

Maybe I can push it to the side, too.

I can!

I think I'll keep going. You don't mind fixing this do you?

OK I guess I'll stop here.

Now I think I'll read a little.