Friday, November 28, 2008

Gobble gobble!

We hope everyone had a great Thanksgiving and made some wonderful memories with their families. We had a lot of great food and Colin gobbled it up. He now makes the cheesiest "smile for the camera" face. I hope he learns a better one soon!

Note the faces in these 2 pics!

Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Good morning!

When I went in to wake Colin up this morning his head was in the corner of the bed snuggled up to the bumper pad. Well this is what his hair looks like after that! It was so funny that I had to run to get the camera. Then he gave me that cheesy face (1st pic) when I asked him to smile for the picture. What a ham!

Sunday, November 23, 2008

They all asked for you!

On Sunday we went on down to the Audobon Zoo for Colin's first visit. It was a great day and we saw a lot of animals that are in Colin's favorite animal book.

The Petting Zoo

Petting a hedgehog

Come here goat, I want to grab you!

Petting a turtle

Did I say grab you, I meant pet you. Yeahhh, that's it, pet you.

Petting a rat. Ick!

See, mommy makes me be gentle, plus I practiced on that sheep.

And this is literally no more than 5 minutes after pulling out of the parking lot.

Thursday, November 20, 2008


Colin found some beads today and we decided to give him a little practice for Mardi Gras! I think he will be up for some parading this time!

Just too cute!

Thursday, November 13, 2008

3 weeks already

Ashlyn, that is. Still cute as a button and all squished up like a little frog!

Top Chef

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Jindal in Thibodaux

This is our niece Noelle shaking hands with Governor Bobby Jindal on a visit he made to Thibodaux. Maybe one day she will be able to tell her kids that she once shook hands with President Jindal!

Monday, November 10, 2008

New blogger!

Yeah, my sister has finally started a blog after much family pressure to see more pics of Bryce! Check the Johns family out, they are Jessica, Warren and Bryce. Welcome:)

Saturday, November 8, 2008

The Monkey Room

Today we went to Grace's 3rd birthday party at The Monkey Room and Colin had a blast!Thanks Grace, Jennifer and Roy!

Blogger buddies Jack and Brady.
There was a good song playing so Colin danced.

Testing the "going downhill" skills.


Backing up a little...

Here are some pictures of Colin and Bryce on Halloween. Bryce was a great costume-wearer, while Colin was on the other hand, not.
Colin was initially afraid of Tigger Bryce.

Still not too sure in the background.

Getting a little warmer.

Enjoying Dino life.

And then not so much.


C: So, where should we put this one?

B: Over here, but let me get this rug for you.

B: Hey, where did you go?

B: Are you thinking what I'm thinking?

C: Yeah, its time for a nunu break!